160 Christians mass-murdered in Nigeria

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  • Post last modified:3 Απριλίου 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Iran demands the world must turn itself against Israel and agree with the financed by them Palestinian terror group Hamas. Islam in general demands respect for Muslims, but what can one say after seeing what they do to non-Muslims? Christians mass-murdered in Nigeria

I am not talking about October 7 now – I do certainly keep it in mind – but about a mass-murder just now committed in Nigeria. Also by Islamists against Christians. Reason: just because it’s Christmas and so the people are weak, while celebrating. What are we supposed to think and how are we supposed to respect this religion if so many of its followers commit the most atrocious and barbaric murders of innocent civilians anywhere in the world? And even worse: if the rest of the Muslims, who call themselves moderated and peaceful, don’t condemn these murders? 

Most Palestinians say they don’t support Hamas, but even if Hamas doesn’t let them have the slightest food sent from abroad, they also don’t turn against the terror mob. Almost no Muslim in the world even understands the Israeli position vis-à-vis Hamas and most of them hate Jews (the people are called Israelis to begin with) without a valid reason. Even if they are most of the time friendly to others, they still think themselves superior to non-believers and will betray them and lie to them whenever they feel they need it. Because the Koran says they can. How can we respect this religion if even its moderate believers act with hostility to anyone who has another belief? Being friendly only when it’s in your interest is not enough to earn respect. 

This doesn’t mean that I agree with the Dutch PVV that all – or most – Muslims must be as soon as possible removed from the Netherlands. That would before anything cause terrorist attacks, an enormous civil war and that isn’t how things are done in a democratic and civilised country. A discussion should start about a too high number of not adapted Muslims in the country and the problems this brings as a first step. A process of realisation should start and people should have the opportunity to form their opinion about the issue. And then some day a solution will be found, that is just and fair for all. What that solution is, we will see in time. 

Here is the link to an article about the recent murders in Nigeria in the Christian Post, because you won’t find the news in the larger media. And underneath it’s on X by Visegrad24.



More about Nigeria here in the Vatican News. Over 52,000 Nigerian Christians murdered by Islamists and 18,000 churches were set on fire since 2009: 


I have never seen or heard about Christians who have attacked Muslims. If the Muslim community everywhere in the world wants to stay in tune with the rest of the people, they will have to come across and take a firm distance from any violence and hatred towards non-Muslims and even to moderate Muslims by their radicalised peers. If their religion doesn’t let that happen, because the Koran actually dictates this hate and violence, then they should start thinking about the question if they really want this religion. And they’d better start right now. Muslims can’t stay silent anymore about all the violence done and murders committed to people with a different belief. They have to take a stand. 





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Chará Ypsilanti

Chará Ypsilanti was born in Athens as a princess from the Byzantine Imperial Ypsilantis family. She was sold to the Netherlands as a child and tortured by the Satan Cult. // Chará fought back. Obtained a Master's degree in Philology, studied music and speaks 11 languages. A proud mom of two boys she is a singer, a teacher, a business owner and a trauma therapist. Her husband Costas is kept away from her and the kids by the Dutch state, who blocks her from having any income. // Chará gives unique information on this website, known only by political leaders whom she all knows. You can support her for her hard fight by donating, subscribing to her news and sharing her work.

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