Islam and women’s rights

Of course. Just like in Christianity and in any other religion there are theologians with different opinions about many facets of life. But Islam and women’s rights aren’t a very happy combination in general. 


Islam sees women as inferior and even as objects

Under easy circumstances a Muslim man won’t treat his wife too badly and that is why most Muslims find their religion pretty good for women and their position. But the slightest thing happens and they then the truth comes out: in Islam man is in charge and that is that. Women must serve him in the kitchen, in the house and in bed, period. No headaches for women, no bad days and no rights if another man should rape her. Rape is woman’s fault according to this religion, always and it means death for her without any discussion. 

More or less secular Muslims can be enormously friendly and warm people, so you don’t see the other side of how they think. But almost all men in Islam are totally convinced that they are better, smarter and even more adult than any woman. They think a woman is a child you should educate and that is the reason why many get married to a much younger woman or even a girl. Here is a girl who has to live under Sharia law. Listen to what she says: 

“I wish God had never created women. They treat us worse than animals”. The fact already that men treat a woman. A woman is no animal, no child and certainly no object. She doesn’t need to be treated at all. She needs to be respected as an equal human being with rights, a taste, an opinion and any freedom a man has. Nothing less than that.

Something else: nowhere in the Koran a word is spent to explain to women how to deal with a man. Like how to calm him down when he is angry or suit him when he is eh … disobedient and such. The whole religious book sees life from a man’s view and that makes Islam a religion only for men. A woman is an apathetic child that has to shut up and work. If that wasn’t the case, there would be passages for women in the book.


One man, four wives

Islam and women's rights
This is what the Koran itself says.


Yesterday I was watching a series from Nigeria (War: Wrath and Revenge) about a man who was to become the governor of a province in that country. His wife supported him very much, but he took advantage of her help and tried to marry a second wife in secret. Of course it was just a series, but in quite some Muslim countries things like this happen and women have absolutely no rights whatsoever to stop their husband from taking other wives. A man has the right (!) to have four wives: the Koran says it, so no-one can do anything about it. 

Actually the Koran says that only after a time of war or disease or something like that, where many people have died and the population needs to grow again, a man may take more than one wife. In the text here above the book tells about ‘orphans’, which means women who lost their parents for some reason and can’t be marred by them. The first wive or the more than one a man already has, must agree to him taking yet another wife. But tradition and stupidity have a great influence, so barbarian practices like the situation I described above do happen. Men who think women have rights like anyone else are not real Muslims.


Beating your wife is … therapeutic!

Islam and women's rights
The Koran about wife’s rights.

Palestine is hot news with the horrible war going on there. Here is a Doctor from the Islamic University of Gaza and listen to what he says right on TV about a man beating his wife. It’s disgusting, but as you can read right above, the Koran does give the right to a man to punish and even beat a “disobedient” wife. Again that disrespectful word “disobedient”, as if a woman is the possession of a man and some kind of a toy. 



Islam and women's rights
The Koran about punishment for infidelity in marriage.


Here we have another Islamic scholar. He is from Saudi Arabia, his name is Saleh Al-Fawzan. According to his reading of the Islamic Law Muslims have the right to rape (“have sex with”) married women of another religion whenever they take them captive. They also have the right to take these women as concubines for their harem:


In practice it’s only the woman who gets stoned in countries where Shariah law exists. Not the man, who also goes astray. Reason is that women aren’t taken seriously like men and if it is her word against his, she loses. End of story. In Jesus’ time there was a woman to be stoned to death in Israel and if you remember, Jesus was asked once what he thought about stoning a woman who had slept with another man. What he said? “Let the one who has never sinned, throw the first stone”. What happened? The woman survived, because no man was completely innocent. Jesus sent the woman home after telling her not to sin again.

Even if in Israel Moses’ law was practised and if that law prescribed the woman should be stoned, it didn’t happen. Such things change the consciousness of civilisations for the better and Islam is more than ready for a raise of consciousness in women’s rights. My opinion of course!






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Chará Ypsilanti

Chará Ypsilanti was born in Athens as a princess from the Byzantine Imperial Ypsilantis family. She was sold to the Netherlands as a child and tortured by the Satan Cult. // Chará fought back. Obtained a Master's degree in Philology, studied music and speaks 11 languages. A proud mom of two boys she is a singer, a teacher, a business owner and a trauma therapist. Her husband Costas is kept away from her and the kids by the Dutch state, who blocks her from having any income. // Chará gives unique information on this website, known only by political leaders whom she all knows. You can support her for her hard fight by donating, subscribing to her news and sharing her work.

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