
The French immigration bill that almost reversed the government

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  • Post category:English / Europe
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  • Post last modified:3 Απριλίου 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Last weekend the French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne was forced to withdraw from her function, due to an enormous bitch fight in the Parisian Parliament. It was all about the French immigration bill that passed with a large majority, but thanks to support from the right. Oh heavens!


Right-wing politics and World War III

The right -not only the far-right – is nowadays seen as the personification of evil in the form of a new Second World War. Instead of Jewish victims leftists in and outside of France imagine we now have Muslim victims. The fact that Jews were sent to concentration camps where they were horrendously tortured, starved and killed with gas, while many Muslim immigrants largely profit from government aid and no-one even points at them, is irrelevant to these many people. Even worse: a growing number of them doesn’t even believe the Holocaust has ever existed. Now that is worrying. Not only is it a shame for our fellow Jewish people, but also because this denial shows how far many people live from reality.

It is considered a crying shame in leftist milieux to even think that many problems like housing, aggression in the streets and a decline of values are maybe possibly partially caused by the far too high immigration rate. Now they found the new excuse that there aren’t enough houses for rent, because many elderly stay in their homes too long. They want these poor people to move to homes for elderly in their old age in order to stuff the country even fuller with people from far-away cultures, who don’t even plan to adapt just a bit to us.


The leftists and the shame

The right-wingers on the other hand think the way the left thinks about the elderly is a contempt and an even so crying shame. And this is how we attained the unbearable situation of an entire dichotomy in our society. There is no-one who profits of that, except people who abuse the instability by selling drugs and looting. The immigration has gone much too far. We all know that and like it or not, the rates of non-western immigrants in Europe must be downsized. The problem is not only Islam, but a too dense population as well. Without diminishing immigration our cities will be completely destroyed by Muslim youth, who go on the streets to destroy shops, cars and houses at each chance they get. Be it a law they don’t like, a lost or won football match or anything else that triggers them. Many of their parents don’t even bother to educate their children. It’s already happening and it is openly terror. I am not saying that indigenous European youths are holy, but you can’t send them back to their country of origin.

Anyone who even dares to open a civilised discussion about stopping, no just restricting immigration, gets scorned and is immediately called a racist or even a fascist. Left-wing columnists fill up the newspapers with doom stories about World War III and in the Netherlands, where a right-wing political party won the elections by a landslide, a government can’t be formed because the whole left of the country works together to obstruct it. So much they are used to dictating the law in the country that they can’t let go of their control.


The infamous French immigration bill

In the meantime in France the Prime Minister, Mrs. Elisabeth Borne, notably of the Parti Socialiste, had to resign this weekend. So what dangerous content was in that bill? Let’s take a look at the – in my eyes – very softly written and neat immigration bill from last December. Here I have it for you thanks to Politico.

I almost forgot that the newly appointed Prime Minister, the 34-year-young Gabriel Attal is not only homosexual (we have been over that for a long time haven’t we?), but also from the party of Renaissance. That is the same party as Emmanuel Macron’s, which is not the custom in France, but as a centrist party also less progressive. If even a Socialist PM agrees with this bill, imagine how fast it will be executed now. Anyway here it is:


French immigration bill
The French immigration bill that almost reversed the government.












So what do we read?

  • Immigration quota (restriction)
  • No more automatic French nationality to foreigners born in France.
  • No automatic and easily issued residency permit for family reunions.
  • Requirement to have a job and a health insurance for some rights.
  • Foreigners can only apply for social security benefits after a 5-year stay in France.



How unreasonable is this bill actually? In more European countries similar laws are passed and, well in Greece there is not even a social security. The ones who have caused Mrs. Borne’s resignation are in majority foreigners. To what extent have they wrongfully received rights in France if they now have and use the power to overthrow governments? Almost every week the news from this so beautiful country tells us about yet again pillages by ‘angry’ Muslim immigrants. Angry about what exactly? About being able to live in a civilised and democratic country, where they get every chance of a good education and a happy life?

Yesterday a Dutch man posted on X how he found himself in a gorgeous Moroccan café in Amsterdam. How beautifully it was decorated, how great the service was and how good the sweets and the coffee. What he meant to say, was: what are you guys whining about criminal Moroccans in your neighbourhood? Well … nobody ever said that no people from Muslim countries find their place here and no-one ever said that well-educated Moroccans or other foreigners can’t live here. And yes, Morocco has an exquisite cuisine and many other great features. Nobody denies that. I myself love those things too.

The problem is that there are far too many not educated Moroccans and other Muslims here in Europe, who cause insolvable problems with criminality, prostitution and drugs. They don’t live in the rich quarters where the highly educated Dutch comfortably reside, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


Influencing election results

And in France this kind of not integrated foreigners now has the possibility to overthrow a government. They just text each other to vote all together for a certain party and there you go. European people don’t normally do such things. Last year at the elections it was because of them that Marine Le Pen’s Front National (National Rally) didn’t win. I don’t know if that would have done any good to the country, since far-right parties most of the time want things like Frexit, to force out Muslim foreigners and they have not only a total lack of understanding for the climate, but also for the environment. Except causing a hausse in heart attacks at leftists, they also ruin the country in new ways so to speak.

I personally think the only solution to this dichotomy in society is to show the leftists how enormous the immigration issue is and how much taxpayers’ money is being spent on asylum procedures, integration courses and endless social security benefits for unadapted foreigners. Then the problem can’t but be discussed and on the long run even solved. Rightwingers should be shown the consequences of to and fro ousting Muslim foreigners.

A part from it being injust, it will also imply a lack of oil (gasoline!) from peer Muslim countries and an increase of terrorist attacks. You can’t solve long-lasting problems overnight and without sensitivity to the people involved and those opposed to your solution. We are one society and have to govern together helping each other instead of excluding half of the place, just because they don’t agree with you.

I hope there aren’t too many type errors in my piece, since I still have to type on my telephone. I also can’t design the website better, because that is impossible without internet at home. I don’t even know how it looks on a computer. Replacing the lost images after the move to this ndw website is also impossible without a computer. Leading people from the old to the new website is the same impossible the moment. The obstructors will be able to enter the administration part again to nullify my internet reach yet another time. So I just hope you will find me via Twitter or because yiu have been smart enough to subscribe to the newsletter.

Do spread the news, do subscribe and do react and donate for my so hard work to get you informed. I think you have seen enough proof that I am truly opposed, worked against and even starved.





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Chará Ypsilanti

Chará Ypsilanti was born in Athens as a princess from the Byzantine Imperial Ypsilantis family. She was sold to the Netherlands as a child and tortured by the Satan Cult. // Chará fought back. Obtained a Master's degree in Philology, studied music and speaks 11 languages. A proud mom of two boys she is a singer, a teacher, a business owner and a trauma therapist. Her husband Costas is kept away from her and the kids by the Dutch state, who blocks her from having any income. // Chará gives unique information on this website, known only by political leaders whom she all knows. You can support her for her hard fight by donating, subscribing to her news and sharing her work.

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